Getting Bibles in "The Bush"

Dear Friends,
Because of his kindness and love, God has given us his Word, the Bible. In it, he tells us who he is, who we are, why we are alive, and how we should live. And by using the teachings and commands of the Bible, God works in the hearts of those who belong to him, to change the way they think and live.

The Bible has been translated into so many different languages. Today, God’s Word can be read by more people than ever before; and although the words in these various translations are different, the message remains the same. God did not limit his Word to only one group of people, or for only one language group; rather, the Bible is for everyone! If God has given you the opportunity to have a Bible, then you are blessed. And this blessing is intended to be shared.

But even though there are so many translations available today, not everyone has access to God's Holy Word.

Can I tell you a short story about a trip I took last year?

As some of you are aware, last March God provided a way for me and 3 companions to serve "the least of these" during a 2 week mission trip in Africa with an organization called Sole Hope ( I was blessed to have been able to serve our Lord in both Uganda and Zambia teaching men and women the simple trade of shoemaking. I need not tell you that this trip changed me forever.

While we were in Uganda, I attended a church service which consisted of singing, preaching, praying and dancing. This went on all day. These beautiful people would have carried on praising God into the late evening if the preacher did't ask them to gather their things and go home.

At some point during this service, I noticed something that only now I'm realizing is quite sad. Few people were carrying a Bible. And I must confess, this observation did not come to mind until 3 weeks ago when God, during a time of prayer, reminded me of this and asked me to do something that terrifies me. He asked me to fix it. He asked me to locate Bibles translated into Luganda and to go "door to door" distributing them while also sharing the message of the Gospel.

That very day I contacted that village's director, George Magera ( and asked him what it would take to get our hands on some Bibles written in their native tongue. He said it was simple! Then I asked him, "How much would a Bible cost written in Luganda?"  Eight dollars! Now $8.00 is "a small fortune" for someone who makes less than $1.00 per day. 

I quickly did the numbers in my head and immediately asked George to confirm he could get at least 200 Bibles by March confident that God would provide the finances to accomplish this mission. He has confirmed that this can certainly happen!

So, From March 17 through March 31, I will accept God's call to return to Uganda and "Touch + Lift" the people of this village by joining Ekubo Ministries in an effort to distribute at least one Bible per home in this 200 home community while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This would give an estimated 1000 people immediate access to The Word of God. I cannot think of a more important mission.

Although I believe God will watch over me, I would like to specifically ask for you to pray for me and the others who will be serving with me.  Of all the things you can do to support me in this, prayer is the most important.

Also, in order to fund the purchase of at least 200 Bibles and travel to Uganda, I will need to raise $4,000. On my own, that would be a major challenge.  So I would like to ask that you pray about helping me and those who God has asked me to serve with a donation towards to purchase of the 200 Bibles translated into Luganda which will cost $1,600. Your donation can be easily made by clicking the "Donate" button either at the top or bottom of this page.

Whether you feel led to contribute financially or commit to prayer (or both), I truly appreciate your support.  I can hardly wait to continue doing God's work in Africa, and I will be actively "blogging" leading up to, and during this mission. I thank God for you today.

God's richest blessings on you!

In Christ,
Patrick Scully