Friends... Please
continue to Praise the Lord for what he has done in the past week and a
half during our first Facebook "Bibles in The Bush" campaign. With your
support we have funded 300 Bibles! We will continue to reach out to
people on the phone, through email, over coffee, in business meetings,
through Facebook... whatever it takes to share with people our mission
this March. God's Word is Alive... We need to get it into the hands of
those who do not know Him.
This past weekend, I had the
opportunity to speak with George and Christie. I feel so encouraged...
they have alerted the village that Bibles are coming. Everyone is very
excited about this. What I didn't realize until after speaking with
George was that we will be ordering the Bibles from Uganda Bible Society
who will print them on demand in the languages that we require. We will
now be ordering the Bibles in not one, but three languages... Swahili,
Luganda and Lunyakole. There is plenty of time to do this prior to my
arrival. I will be moving the funds that YOU helped raise into Ekubo
Ministries' account this week, and George will place the first Bible
order. I will continue to campaign for more... The Lord knows the number
of Bibles we will get funded. Keep sharing this mission with your
friends, family, and co-workers.I would love to see us raise 600 Bibles before I leave for Uganda.
In preparation for my
arrival, George has assembled a team of 10 strong Christian men and
women. We will be splitting into 2 groups as we distribute Bibles and
share the Gospel Message with the 200 homes in the village. It is
estimated that there are now more than 2000 people in the village...
Please pray that God would multiply our time there in March so that we
can meet and share with as many people and families as possible. It's
not likely we will be able to visit all 200 homes, but our hope is that
the team will take the baton and run with this ministry after I am gone.
Prayer Requests.
Please pray for our
safety while we are on the ground in Uganda doing whatever the Lord
leads us to do. We are praying for people to not only welcome us, but
for people to accept Christ! We are praying that the Holy Spirit would
fill every team member as we do His work and that the words and the
testimonies that leave our mouths are only prompted by His Spirit. We
pray that all we do will glorify our King... Christ Jesus.