What began as a simple conviction from
God to get His Word into a village called Bugabo in Uganda Africa has
turned into a reality... one that only could have been accomplish by
the power God. Thank you Lord for showing us that you are alive in us. And, even
in spite of our sin, are willing to use us in ways that can only glorify
have spent many years in my walk with Christ trying to figure out my
purpose as a Christian. How did I miss the simplicity of this call
on our lives... for Jesus has commanded us to "...go and make disciples
of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit." (Matt 28:18) Could it be so simple friends? I
think it is.
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And so, our first day of this 2 week missions trip was a celebration... celebrating what we expected God would do if we could continue to empty ourselves of man's expectation making room for the power of God to move as He wills it.
Jesus loves children... so much so, that he asks us to come to Him with
a child like faith. It was so appropriate that the village would gather
in celebration to enjoy the blessing of these little ones reminding us
that even "in lack of" earthly possessions, you can find joy, peace
and laughter. They have shared this uncontainable joy with me, and I can't wait to share it with you somehow.
sang. They danced. They pushed the "reset button" of my heart. And
since Sunday, the stress and worries that I brought with me have been
divinely released... the only thing on my mind now is how deeply my
Father in heaven loves me and loves us all.
week has been a true act of worship. And it has been wonderful. The
believers of Bugabo have shown me a faith that we don't see very much in America... a faith that
totally relies on God. And as people came to Christ throughout the week, I couldn't help but be reminded of the power of our testimonies.
When we opened the Bible Study to anyone in the village, the response was overwhelming. We expected to be studying with 15 to 20 leaders.
When we opened the Bible Study to anyone in the village, the response was overwhelming. We expected to be studying with 15 to 20 leaders.
But by day 2, the word got out and we were studying with 130 people. Why was I so surprised? We came to share God's Word and share the Gospel message. Did I not believe in the power of the Gospel? Or did I not understand how powerful it actually was? Some of those honest questions have been answered throughout the week as my brother Jason Ingle has been humbly teaching out of the Gospel of John. He has never prepared notes before a class. And God has honored that by giving him the words to speak.
Knowing that we would need more Bibles, I
posted this need on Facebook, and God moved your heart to generously give
more... and more. We won't be surprised if the number of Bibles reaches
500. That would mean the power of God's Word would be in the hands of
500 people.
New eyes to see. This week we also launched a program to get reading glasses into this village. Our first training went well and those trained will begin making glasses for those in the village that need them.
changed. Souls saved. Our prayer since the beginning has been that
lives would not only be touched and lifted by our obedience to a call
to "bring" and "study" God's Word with a village on the other side of
the world. But, that people would be "saved" because of His Grace and
Mercy... and by the power of the Good News.
I have witnessed the Holy Spirit move in ways that can't be explained. Before this week, I
have never seen people come to the front of a church service asking to
receive Christ as their Lord and Savior before the service even begins.
Never. And this happens almost every day before we begin our time of
study. Amina.
people have been saved this week... and I am certain that the Lord
continues to work on the hearts of those new people who are listening
the Gospel message for the first time. Please continue to
pray for these brothers and sisters, and for those who have yet to join
us in study. May God continue to move in the hearts of these people I
have come to love so dearly.
we will share the Lord's supper with the church. This act of worship
will be very new to them. And Immediately following the church service
we will offer Baptism to those believers who wish to publicly profess
their faith in Christ Jesus.
you all for continuing to pray for, and encourage us as we now walk into
the second half of this mission trip. May all that we continue to do
bring Glory and Honor to Christ.